Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let the Betting Begin

So Ryan and I are always making friendly bets with each other about pretty mundane stuff. So when we found out about Frank we starting making bets about when he would accomplish certain baby milestones. I thought we could share with you when we thought he would do all his growing and changing. I will use an "A" for Angie's bet, and an "R" for Ryan's bet. Maybe you guys can decide what we should win if we're right!

Due Date:     A: Between Jan 8th and 12th 
                     R: Every other day

Rolling Over:   A: After 3.5 months
                         R: Before 3.5 months

Sitting Up:   A: After 5 months
                     R: Before 5 months

Crawling:     A: After 6 months
                     R: Before 6 months

Pulling Up to Stand:   A: After 6.5 months
                                    R: Before 6.5 months

Walking:   A: After 10 months
                  R: Before 10 months

Talking:  A: Before 14.5 months and his first word will be "Mama"
               R: After 14.5 months and his first word will be "Hi"


  1. Angie is going to win, no doubt about it!

  2. I Agree with Ryan This kid will be a Hardison, He'll be way advanced in everything except wanting to talk to People.
