Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Tree!

Today we went to Bluebird Christmas Tree Farm to get our Christmas tree. We picked out this nice 8 foot Frasier Fir.

 Luckily, we know the owner of the farm and he was nice enough to give our tree a nice fresh cut...

...before Ryan loaded it into the car.
We also bought a really nice wreath. We raced home to put the wreath up before the sun went down.
Here's Ryan out on the roof hanging the wreath.

It turned out looking pretty good!

With the wreath up, we got to work putting the lights on the tree. Angie has a very specific way that she likes to the put the lights on, so Ryan just stood back and watched her do her thing.

She may be particular, but you can't argue with the results!

Tomorrow we'll get around to decorating it. But I can tell already its going to be an awesome looking tree. 


  1. Beautiful! Sorry Ryan, but Angie gets her fussy light ways from me. You are right though, the results are stunning!

  2. Gorgeous tree, I can't wait to see it in person.
