Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Hardison Clan

Welcome to our blog! We would like to take a minute to introduce ourselves!

This is Ryan.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Doritos
Favorite Wife: Angie
Favorite Cat: Motorboat
Hobbies Include: Playing banjo, watching TV, taking care of the garden, and going to TN Smokies games.

This is Angie.
Favorite Flower: Roses
Favorite: Show: Seinfeld
Favorite Color: Pink
Fav Foods: Pizza, Filet, Sushi, Fondue
Hobbies Include: Knitting, watching TV, reading, taking care of the house, and going to TN Smokies games.

This is Motorboat.
Favorite Game: Chasing fingers
Favorite Food: Yogurt
Occupation: Detective/Nurse
Hobbies Include: being a jerk, knocking glasses of drinks off tables, eating whatever we try to eat, and beating up Rosie.

This is Lil' Caesar.
Favorite TV Show: Friends
Favorite Food: Any
Favorite Person: Ryan
Hobbies Include: being fat, sleeping, eating, being fat, laying on Ryan before bed, styling Angie's hair while she sleeps. 

This is Rosie.
Favorite Toy: Pink Squeaky Pig
Favorite Treat: Pupperoni
Favorite Person: Papaw Buddy
Hobbies include: chewing on stuff, running puppy laps, marching when excited, doing tricks, and being cute.

This is Fetus Frank.
Favorite Person: Mommy
Due Date: Jan 10, 2011
Hobbies include: growing, kicking mommy's bladder, thumb sucking.

Well get ready cause the Hardison Family is going to have some crazy adventures and you can read all about them right here!